Saturday, March 22, 2008

IM HARASSED.... survey lang po, dont panic

Name one negative thing about you..
brat (lately)

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?

Sports you wanted to learn?
sailing!! (fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun!!)

Ever played basketball?
Yeah, was part of the mythical five, mind you!

What was the last thing you bought?
Food - brownies

Do you talk a lot?
depends upon the situation, but generally i can say im talkative

How was your day yesterday?
whew! had to work unitl midnight - with no available internet connection in our place, so i had to drag my brother to look for internet connection

Are you an optimistic one?
I said so, but im not sure anymore..hahaha

Contented in life?
Well, getteing there, but very thankful!

Are you happy with the love of your
life? question please.. i love my work though (adik?)

Do you skip meals?
My biggest sin! Yes, eventhough i hate doing it

Do you consider yourself smart?
Well in some aspects maybe, in some aspects NOOOOOO

Are you typically a jolly person?
I think so

Name one enemy of yours..
one of my former gradeschool classmates. i tried befriending her for the zillionth time, but there's nothing i can do about her...

Name one close guy friend:

Who's the first person in your phone
Abbie PRO of Circe Communications

What did the last text message you
received say?
my other PM asking me about the visuals in Donsol, hehehe

Do you eat tusok-tusok
fishball etc? yes of course

Song playing at the moment:
Love will keel up alive by susan wong pathetic song)

How do you deal with stress?
sleep, sleep, sleep, videoke and redhorse, hehe

Ever broken someones heart?
hmmm.. its two-way, though i never intended to do so

What makes you happy?
a lot, family, friends, life itself, vcut, blog, ....

What is the last thing you said aloud?
What the?!

How much was your tuition fee?
i wont tell...hehe..

Is someone bitter to you?
i dont know, i've been nice. i mean i love people, i love friends..(honest!)

One word to describe you right